Photos from the Lexington Herald-Leader archives updated daily

New Kids on the Block fans at Rupp Arena, 1990

Posted on February 23, 2015 | in Uncategorized | by
From left, Laurie Beaven, 12, Amy Lanham, 12, and Melissa Gordon, 13, wait for the begining of the New Kids on the Block concert to begin Jan. 13, 1990 at Rupp Arena. The trio came from Spingfield and brought the homemade banner with them. With parents in tow, young girls wearing New Kids on the Block T-shirts, jackets, buttons, hats and bandanas flooded the Lexington Civic Center, waiting to get in to see the popular singing group. They paid at least $18.50 apiece for the opportunity. At the time of this nearly sold-out show of 21,000, the group had vaulted to teen stardom with three hits -- "This One's for the Children," "Cover Girl" and "Didn't I (Blow Your Mind)." The first two numbers of the New Kids' 90-minute concert -- "My Favorite Girl" and the beat-crazy "What'cha Gonna Do About It" -- were almost totally drowned out by the crowd, which shrieked and shrilled at every move the group made. Just how loud was the crowd? Well, let's put it this way. Earplugs were being sold at the concession stands. Photo by James D. VanHoose | staff

From left, Laurie Beaven, 12, Amy Lanham, 12, and Melissa Gordon, 13, waited for the begining of the New Kids on the Block concert on Jan. 13, 1990, at Rupp Arena. The trio came from Spingfield and brought the homemade banner with them. With parents in tow, young girls wearing New Kids on the Block T-shirts, jackets, buttons, hats and bandannas flooded the Lexington Civic Center to see the popular singing group. They paid at least $18.50 apiece for the opportunity. At the time of the nearly sold-out show of 21,000, the group had vaulted to teen stardom with three hits: This One’s for the Children, Cover Girl and Didn’t I (Blow Your Mind). The first two numbers of the New Kids’ 90-minute concert — My Favorite Girl and the beat-crazy What’cha Gonna Do About It — were almost totally drowned out by the crowd, which shrieked and shrilled at every move the group made. Just how loud was the crowd? Earplugs were being sold at the concession stands. Photo by James D. VanHoose | Staff

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