Photos from the Lexington Herald-Leader archives updated daily

Blue Grass Field terminal, 1966

Posted on July 24, 2015 | in Uncategorized | by
A photo of the terminal at what was then called Blue Grass Field, was one of the pictures featured in a story by Herald-Leader reporter Ronnie Thompson in 1966. Thompson wrote about the Lexington airport's high ranking in airport operations. Later that year in October, Eastern Air Lines announced it would launch non-stop jet flights to New York City. Published in the Lexington Herald January 16, 1966. Herald-Leader Archive Photo

A photo of the terminal at what was then called Blue Grass Field was one of the pictures featured in a story by Herald-Leader reporter Ronnie Thompson in 1966. Thompson wrote about the Lexington airport’s high ranking in airport operations. In October that year, Eastern Air Lines announced that it would launch nonstop jet flights to New York. Published in the Lexington Herald on Jan. 16, 1966. Herald-Leader Archive Photo

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