March 10, 2025
Firefighting equipment and the crash crew at Lexington’s Blue Grass Field in September 1960. The crash crew consisted of one combination firefighter-police officer on duty around the clock, with four volunteers from men on duty in the hangars and two men from each of the three airlines at the field. The photo ran in the Sunday Herald-Leader on Sept. 25, 1960, with a story touting that there had been no deaths or major accidents at the airport since 1946, despite antiquated equipment. The firefighting equipment included the truck at left, a 20-year-old engine donated by the county fire department; an electrical truck in the middle; and a pickup truck with fire equipment mounted on the back. At the time of that image, there were no regulations in place for the number or capacity of fire trucks that an airport should have or a crash-crew size, or how well they should be trained. Blue Grass Field averaged about 15 accidents a year involving light aircraft, many attributed to student training. Herald-Leader Archive Photo