Photos from the Lexington Herald-Leader archives updated daily

Ad for new radio station WVLK, 1947

Posted on November 23, 2017 | in Uncategorized | by

An advertisement in the Nov. 23, 1947, Sunday Herald-Leader for radio station 590 WVLK. The station went on the air three days later, becoming Lexington’s fourth local radio station, joining WLAP (1450), WLEX (1340) and WKLX (1300). WVLK (the letters stand for “Versailles, Lexington, Kentucky”) was founded in Versailles by former U.S. Sen. A.B. “Happy” Chandler and Colvin Rouse in 1946.When the station was granted FCC approval to move to Lexington, it began broadcasting from the Lafayette Hotel. During the 1950s and 1960s, WVLK was one of the top stations in this area of the country because of some of its personnel. Popular employees included the former “voice” of the University of Kentucky Wildcats, Claude Sullivan; nasal-voiced morning disc jockey Artie Kaye, David Dick and Van Vance. Today, the station has a news/talk format.

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