March 11, 2025
Author and former University of Kentucky alumnus Walter Tevis was in Lexington in August 1982 as one of the faculty of the UK Writing Workshop for Older persons at Carnahan House. Three of Tevis’ books were made into movies, The Hustler, The Man Who Fell to Earth and The Man Who Fell to Earth. Born in San Francisco, Tevis moved to Lexington when was 11 years old. He attended Ashland Elementary School, Morton Junior and Henry Clay High School. He joined the Navy when he was 17 and served in the Pacific Theater. After his discharge he graduated from Model Laboratory School in 1945 and entered the University of Kentucky, where he received a B.A (1949) and M.A. (1954 degrees in English literature and studied with A.B. Guthrie, Jr. He died in New York City in 1984 and is buried in Richmond, Ky. Photo by E. Martin Jessee | Staff