March 26, 2025
Mrs. James Mahan sorts out unwanted papers during the beginning of Lexington’s city-wide, two-week annual cleanup campaign in April 1950. The campaign, under guidance of the Chamber of Commerce and various safety leaders, featured both city and county trucks hauling rubbish away. In addition to the cleaning, safety was also being demonstrated to housewives across the county. Day-to-day safety measures such checking for worn or damaged electrical cords or proper fuse replacement was shown. Some of the items on Mahan’s shelf include Ajax cleanser, canned oysters, blackberry and pear preservers, empty coke bottles, canned vegetables and spices, including a container of Kroger cinnamon. The house where this picture was taken, 430 Columbia Ave., is now a parking lot for the William T. Young Library on the University of Kentucky’s campus. Published in the Lexington Leader, April 14, 1950