March 31, 2025
Full-page advertisement for Walgreen Drug Store on page A7 of the April 13, 1945, Lexington Leader. Some of the items listed in the ad were a five-piece cooking set for $4.98, toothpicks for 3 cents, four rolls of Northern toilet tissue for 17 cents and an 11-ounce package of bubble bath for 6 cents. Also in the ad were specials at the lunch counter: fried shrimp, tarter sauce, french fries, cole slaw and rolls for 45 cents; and a three-decker club sandwich for 35 cents. At the top is a note that you can buy war bonds and stamps at the store, at 140 West Main Street, which is now the site of the CenterPointe project. In small type across the bottom is a line that says “20% federal excise tax on toiletries and luggage.” Click on the image for a closer look. Click here to see an advertisement from another downtown shopping destination during the 1940s, Ben Snyder department store.