Photos from the Lexington Herald-Leader archives updated daily

Castlewood Park, 1951

Posted on November 12, 2015 | in Uncategorized | by
Aerial view of Castlewood Park  and surrounding area in February 1951. The 32.4-acre park is one of the city's oldest parks. The city of Lexington purchased  the Loudoun House, and the grounds in the 1920's and converted it into Castlewood Park and Community Center. The Loudoun House, which still stands in the park, lower right, was constructed as a residence for Francis Key Hunt and Julia Warfield Hunt in 1852. The Loudoun House is now owned by the city of Lexington and has been the Lexington Art League's administrative and curatorial home since 1984. Published in the Lexington Leader February 24, 1951. Herald-Leader Archive Photo

An aerial view of Castlewood Park and the surrounding area in February 1951. Castlewood covers 32.4-acres and is one of the city’s oldest parks. The city of Lexington purchased the Loudoun House, and the grounds in the 1920’s and converted it into Castlewood Park and Community Center. The Loudoun House, which still stands in the park, lower right, was constructed as a residence for Francis Key Hunt and Julia Warfield Hunt in 1852. The Loudoun House is now owned by the city of Lexington and has been the Lexington Art League’s administrative and curatorial home since 1984. Published in the Lexington Leader on Feb. 24, 1951. Herald-Leader Archive Photo

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