Photos from the Lexington Herald-Leader archives updated daily

Adolph Rupp and Col. Harland Sanders, 1974

Posted on May 23, 2016 | in Uncategorized | by
Former University of Kentucky basketball coach Adolph Rupp, center, and Kentucky Fried Chicken founder Col. Harland Sanders, right, cut a cake in observance of Lexington radio station WJMM's first anniversary, July 25, 1974. Also participating in ceremonies in the Gospel Music Tent at Blue Grass Fair were the Rev. Jack Mortenson, station owner, and Ms. Kay Chaney, assistant to the station manager. The radio station, a Christian teaching-talk station, has now served Lexington and surrounding communities for over 40 years. At the time of this photo, Rupp was 72 and had been retired for two years. Sanders was 83 at this time, 10 years since he sold the company to a group of investors led by John Y. Brown, Jr. and Jack C. Massey for $2 million. Published July 26, 1974 in the Lexington Leader. Herald-Leader Archive Photo

Former University of Kentucky basketball coach Adolph Rupp, center, and Kentucky Fried Chicken founder Col. Harland Sanders, right, cut a cake in observance of Lexington radio station WJMM’s first anniversary, July 25, 1974. Also participating in ceremonies in the gospel music tent at the Bluegrass Fair were the Rev. Jack Mortenson, the station owner, and Kay Chaney, assistant to the station manager. The radio station, a Christian teaching-talk station, has now served Lexington and surrounding communities for more thanĀ 40 years. At the time of this photo, Rupp was 72 and had been retired for two years. Sanders was 83 at theĀ time of the photo, and it had been 10 years since he sold the company to a group of investors led by John Y. Brown Jr. and Jack C. Massey for $2 million. Published July 26, 1974, in the Lexington Leader. Herald-Leader Archive Photo

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