Photos from the Lexington Herald-Leader archives updated daily

Learn-to-swim class at Joyland Pool, 1961

Posted on July 1, 2018 | in Uncategorized | by

In the summer of 1961 a record number of girls won beginners’ swim buttons in the Herald-Leader’s Free Learn-To-Swim course at Joyland Pool. Awards were won by 226 of the 705 girls enrolled. The number learning to swim topped all previous 11 years’ records for girls or boys. This group of 9-year-olds won swim buttons and included: Front row, left to right, Assistant instructor, Mrs. Estill Lyons, Constance Cannon, Diana Vice, Debra Gayle York, Lynne Catlett, Diane Sloan, Devonda Ramsey, Jolene Crouch and assistant instructor Helen Mangione; Second row, Rosemary Cleveland, Sandra Hill, Linda Sue Cox, Karen Holbrook, Frances J. Ches, Deborah Arnold, Susan Garrison, and Libby Raisor; Back row, Nancy Jo Stephenson, Cynthia and Pamela Feck, Rebecca Miles, Lynda Euster, Shirley Hall, Donna Dailey and Diana Wilson. Herald-Leader Archive Photo

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