Photos from the Lexington Herald-Leader archives updated daily

Mayor Pettit and running mates, 1973

Posted on November 11, 2015 | in Uncategorized | by
Mayor Foster Pettit, second from right, and the rest of his ticket filed petitions March 28, 1973 to insure thier names being on the ballot for mayor and councilmen-at-large for the urgan county government. From left, City Commissioners Willaim Hoskins and Dr. J. Farra Van Meter, Charles Baesler, county clerk, Mayor Pettit, and County Commissioner Doc Ferrell. In 1971, Pettit was elected as the mayor of Lexington, a non-partisan position which he held from 1972 to 1978. He and Fayette County Judge Robert Stephens oversaw the consolidation of the municipal and county governments in 1974. Herald-Leader Archive Photo ÒFive good menÉ.for a changeÓ   from left, after Dad Ð Bill Hoskins, Richard Vimont, Dr. Farra VanMete, and Scott Yellman. Pettit ticket files petitions for ballot.  L3/28/73

Lexington Mayor Foster Pettit, second from right, and the rest of his ticket filed petitions on March 28, 1973, to have their names on the ballot for mayor and councilmen-at-large for the new Urban County Government. From left, city commissioners William Hoskins and Dr. J. Farra Van Meter; County Clerk Charles Baesler; Pettit; and county commissioner Doc Ferrell. In 1971, Pettit was elected mayor of Lexington, a nonpartisan position that he held from 1972 to 1978. He and Fayette County Judge Robert Stephens oversaw the merger of city and county governments in 1974. Herald-Leader Archive Photo

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