February 13, 2025
The original paddle-wheeler Star of Lexington made its way up the Kentucky River near Clays Ferry on June 30, 1992. The 125-foot-long vessel, which provided river cruises and dinner, was replaced in March 1993 by a larger boat, 135 feet long and 35 feet wide, with three decks and capacity for 540 passengers. The riverboat was owned by Star Line Corp., which was owned by Lexington developer Dudley Webb and his family. By April 1994, the the decision was made to abandon the business because of the amount of debris that collected around the boat’s dock at Clays Ferry. The smell and the river’s unsightly appearance created an unpleasant dining environment for passengers, according to Frank Mauro, vice president tor operations for Webb Hospitality Group. The last day of operation was April 13, 1994. The Star of Lexington was expected to be moved to another city where the company operated cruise boats. Photo by Tom Marks | Staff