March 28, 2025
First neighborhood movie theater, 1949 TAGS: Chevy Chase | Euclid Ave | Lexington | movie | the ashland | theater
Before development of Ashland Plaza, 1996 TAGS: Ashland Plaza | Chevy Chase | East High Street | Ky | Lexington
Family dog lying in state in custom-built casket, 1950 TAGS: Chevy Chase | dog | dogs | pet
Saratoga restaurant, 1978 TAGS: Chevy Chase | restaurants | Saratoga
Wheeler Pharmacy’s lunch counter, 1985 TAGS: Chevy Chase | Wheeler Pharmacy
Euclid Avenue Shopping Center, 1949 TAGS: Chevy Chase | East High Street | Euclid Ave
Tas-T-O Donuts in Chevy Chase, 1980 TAGS: Chevy Chase | Chevy Chase Inn | Tas-t- o Donuts
Christ the King Church, 1946 TAGS: Chevy Chase | Christ the King Church | Ky | Lexington | Richard G. O'Neill