March 12, 2025
Kentucky’s Linville Puckett dropped in a push shot late in the first half of UK’s game with Vanderbilt at Memorial Coliseum February 22, 1954. Watching the flight of the ball were UK’s Frank Ramsey, left, and Vandy’s Bobby Thym (23) and Jerry Fridrich (33). Kentucky won 100-64, for its 22nd straight victory. The Wildcats finished with a 25-0 regular season. Kentucky and LSU tied for the SEC title due to a schedule disagreement and UK declined an NCAA bid. Herald-Leader Archive Photo
In February 1951 Leader Woman’s Page Editor Laura Lyons included a write-up about Herbie Rodgers, a prolific model-builder, in her “The Social Whirl” column. Rodgers, 15, favorites to build were model boats and airplanes. His mustang airplane, on the table in the background, won a contest sponsored by a local hobby shop the previous summer. The Henry Clay High School sophomore also made the lamp, seen in the background, from a cedar post. Herald-Leader Archive Photo
On January 1, 1993, Gerald Coleman, a junior at the University of Kentucky, portrayed writer, orator and one-time slave Frederick Douglass at the Jubilee Day program sponsored by the Lexington chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People at the St. Paul AME Church in downtown Lexington. The program, celebrating the 130th anniversary of the day the Emancipation Proclamation took effect, was organized by the Rev. Robert Keesee of St. Paul Church and it was the first Jubilee Day program in Lexington in at least 30 years. The three-hour program, attended by at least six denominations, was church service, history lesson, celebration, political discussion and community soul-searching rolled into one. Photo by David Perry | Staff
Julia Stevens, standing, music instructor at Kenwick school, held a discussion with some of her students in January 1951 about the various subjects they heard in a 15-minute weekly music program, that was heard on the radio by children in elementary schools in Lexington and Central Kentucky. The weekly program had been broadcast for the previous three years and had become so popular that it was announced that the Lexington Junior League and radio station WLAP were going to start sponsoring it. Those students pictured, left to right, are: Patricia Turner, David Pelz, Ethelee Davidson, Bill Fortune and Dallous Reed Jr. , all sixth graders. Herald-Leader Archive Photo
University of Louisville’s Pervis Ellison got a hand on a shot by Kentucky’s Kenny Walker in their December 28,1985 matchup in Rupp Arena. The Eddie Sutton coached Wildcats defeated the Cards, coached by Denny Crum, 69-64 and went 32 and 4 for the season, losing to LSU in the NCAA Southeast Regional in Atlanta. The University of Louisville went 32-7 for the season and won their second NCAA National Championship when they defeated Duke 72-69 in Dallas. Photo by Ron Garrison | Staff
Saint Nicholas sat at the Ben Ali theater December 24, 1949 and handed out bags of goodies at the Junior Chamber of Commerce’s annual Christmas party for children. Much interested in the old gentleman were, left to right, Ann Walker, Charles Nathan Thomas, Johnnie Young and James Edward Bishop. (Boy at far right was unidentified and cropped out of the published photo.) About 1100 youngsters received oranges, tangerines, apples, hard candy, comic books, toys, mittens, crackerjacks and cheese crackers. This was the seventh year the Jaycees had given their party, which was financed by their annual minstrel show. The children also saw six cartoons and a full-length feature picture. Herald-Leader Archive Photo
A group of motion picture stars on a three-state tour of Army camps and hospitals arrived in Lexington October 9, 1944 en route from Louisville to Darnall hospital near Danville. They were to be taken on a tour of the Blue Grass horse farms the next morning through arrangements made by Bob Cox, manager of the Kentucky Theater. Pictured are, from left, Nancy Walker, star of both stage and screen versions of “Best Fool Forward” who introduced the popular hit “Milkman, Keep Those Bottles Quiet;” Ann Richards, feminine lead in the new picture, “An American Romance;” King Vidor, producer-director of that show; Walter Abel, member of the cast of “An American Romance,” Rags Ragland, comedian, native of Louisville, and Jean Porter, who appeared in the picture “Youngest Profession.” Herald-Leader Archive Photo
John W. Woods, 70, escaped serious injury and his wife escaped injury entirely early February 11, 1944, when an explosion blasted the side from their home at 105 Woodford Drive. The blast occurred when Mr. Woods attempted to light a gas bathroom heater, wrecking the interior of the five-room frame house, blowing out its windows and spreading debris over a wide area. According to firemen, a gas heating stove in one of the rooms was turned on but not lighted, filling the house during the night and was ignited when Mr. Woods struck a match. Herald-Leader Archive Photo
Former President George H. W. Bush signaled a thumbs up to the crowd surrounding the paddock before the running of the Breeders Cup Sprint at Churchill Downs on November 5, 1994. Bush accompanied his long-time friend Will Farish, behind Bush on the right, to the Breeders Cup in Louisville. Farish is the owner of Lane’s End Farm in Woodford County. Bush, the 41st U.S. President, died earlier this week at age 94. He served as President from 1989 to 1993. Photo by Tim Sharp | Staff
Icicles cascading down a cliff face atop Pine Mountain in December 1985, provided a visual reminder of the recent cold snap for drivers along U.S. 421 in Harlan County. Photo by Jim Wakeham | Staff